Hours & Rates

Opening Day: Friday May 10, 2024
Last Day:  Sunday, October 20, 2024

Note: Our season runs Mid-May through mid-October

Important: Earlier Tee times are always available with 24 hour notice

Spring Hours: 5/10/24 – 6/7/24
SATURDAY – SUNDAY, Memorial Day 10 a.m. – dusk

Summer Hours: 6/8/24 – 9/13/24
SUNDAY – FRIDAY    10:00 a.m. – DUSK
SATURDAY (and July 4th & 5th) – 9:00 a.m. – DUSK
Earlier Tee times are available on any day

Fall Hours: 9/14/24 – 10/20/24
MONDAY – FRIDAY 12pm – dusk
SATURDAY – SUNDAY 10 a.m – dusk


May8:30 p.m.
June9:00 p.m.
7/1 – 7/159:00 p.m.
7/15 – 8/158:30 p.m.
8/16 – 8/318:00 p.m.
9/1 – 9/157:30 p.m.
9/16 – 10/57:00 p.m.
10/6 – 10/206:30 p.m.

All players must be off the course and return their equipment by dusk, regardless of what hole you are on. No exceptions.

Last tee off will be 60 minutes before closing. All parkers must be in before dark.

Credit cards are accepted.
5% cash discount on all purchases

One round (18 holes): $16
Multi-round: $23
Veterans/Active Duty: $10 (w/card) (cash or credit)
Non-player on course: $8 (can watch free from the Shelter)
Moonlight: $23
Season Pass: $315

Food & Beverages
A variety of drinks, ice cream novelties and snacks are available for purchase.

Guideline for Minors

Any person under the age of 16 is considered a minor at Destroyer Park Golf.

Minors must be accompanied by an adult into the building. This requirement is for each and every time, even if the child has been here before. No exceptions. If a parent is bringing a minor from another family, that parent will be accepting responsibility for that minor.

Both the minor and the parent/guardian are required to sign the release regarding clubs and balls. Parents will need to provide an emergency contact number.

Guidelines on proper care and safety, click here.

Parent/Guardian release form, click here.

Discontinue Play Policy:

A: There will be no refunds or “rain/heat” checks If a player stops playing due to rain or heat.

B: In the event that management requires players to come off the course due to weather, “Future Play” cards will be given to each player that has not completed at least a ½ round (9 holes)