Wednesday Night League
- League playing day is Wednesday. Wednesday May 15th through July 31st.
- League begins on the third Wednesday in May and runs 12 weeks
- Tee off from Hole 1 will be reserved at 6:00 p.m. We will do our best to facilitate outside play around the League.
- Participants will be expected to turn in a minimum of ten (10) scores over 12 weeks. You can make up a missed week before the next scheduled league night.
- General Organizational meeting of the entire league will be held on the first Wednesday at 6:00 pm sharp in the shelter. Park Golf particular rules will be reiterated, pending items discussed, and outstanding fees collected. Play Park Golf and – Socialize with new and old friends.
- This is a co-ed league. You do not need to form your own pair, group or 4-some. ALL are welcome! (You do not need to be a great Park Golfer! Just ask the yearly League participants!)
- League fee of $35.00 must be paid in FULL prior to opening day. Mail a check to Destroyer Park Golf, 7065 Sand Hill Rd. Akron, NY 14001. Please do it as soon as possible to reserve your spot. Cash and Checks only are accepted for League fee.
- Weekly golf fee will be discounted to $14.00 for 1 round (18 holes) on league night.
- DATES to REMEMBER: First Day – Meet, Greet, and Play, Last Day – Party and Awards
If you have any questions, please call Kris on 716-270-3883. You can register thru our website ( or at Destroyer Park Golf.